The festival week at bluebird artists.

20 listopada, 2018

Last week was very intense and rich with emotions thanks to two exceptional events. One of them is the 26th edition of CamerImage Festival which took place in Bydgoszcz, and the other one is the first, historical edition of the polish music videos festiwal – PL Music Video Awards.

There is no need to introduce CamerImage to any film lover. It’s the week full of screenings of the best works of art of cinematography, but not only that – there are also lots of interesting meetings, debates, discussions and workshops. This year’s edition was really special for the bluebird artists’ team. The audience of the festiwal could watch Cezary Grzesiuk’s movie „The Blue Scallywags”, in which Paweł Labe cooperated as a cinematographer. We also had our laureate in the Main Competition – Paweł Pawlikowski’s film „the Cold War” in which Ola Staszko was responsible for beautiful costumes received a Silver Frog for Łukasz Żal’s cinematography.

The weekend was dominated by music videos. On 16th of November a completely new festiwal started in Łódź – PL Music Video Awards. This event, devoted to music and film is a perfect occasion to meet people from both industries and get to know the most interesting Polish videos, not only the new ones, but also those which at some point had an impact on the history of popular music in Poland. The guests of the debates – music and film producers were discussing the subject of cooperation between labels and authors of music videos and the directors shared their experience and talked about their creative process and different approaches to their work.

Bluebird artists’ talents – Alan Willmann and Olga Czyżykiewicz received as much as five nominations in four categories – extra, important message, alternative and pop. Our team – extremely proud of our artists was also invited for the event as a special guest. During the gala, which took place in club Format in Łódź, Olga received two statuettes – one for the music video made for Natalia Niemen’s song Terra Deflorata in a category called Important Message, and the second one in the category Extra for a very personal and astonishingly beautiful clip to a song Nie poznaję siebie by Klementyna Umer.

Fot: Patryk Gradys



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